


Breastfeeding |

Tips for Buying a Nursing Pillow

Tip to buy a nursing pillow

They may look like simple pillows, but nursing pillows are actually quite important for successful and comfortable breastfeeding. When choosing a nursing pillow, you need one that fits correctly and is comfortable for the baby too....

8 Essential Breastfeeding Accessories

Accessories for breastfeeding

Breastfeeding can sometimes be a tiring and painful experience for some women, especially during the initial months after childbirth. To ease the process and make breastfeeding comfortable, there are many products and accessories...

Tips on Breastfeeding Twins

The following tips on breastfeeding twins will help you cope during the initial phase of feeding your twin delivery. Learn how to manage with two babies at once, and balance out breastfeeding time.

Does Breastfeeding Cause Cavities?

There is a lot of debate in health circles whether breastfeeding causes cavities and tooth decay. Here, we try to throw light on the topic and put all your doubts to rest.

Right Time to Wean from Breastfeeding

As a young mother, you might be confused as to when you need to stop breastfeeding your child. My article will help you decide the most appropriate time for stopping breastfeeds.

Baby Formula or Breast Milk - What is Better?

Most nursing or expecting mothers must have had this thought run high and low, as to what is better? Baby formula or breast milk? While the scales naturally have supported more or less both, the question still remains - is breast...

Shatavari and Breastfeeding

Shatavari has an excellent rejuvenating effect on the female reproductive organs and its benefits can be yielded by lactating mothers as well. Read this article to get more information about shatavari and breastfeeding.

Decongestant While Breastfeeding

During a common cold episode, decongestants are used as a reliable approach to clear congestion. But, is taking a decongestant while breastfeeding safe? Are there any safe decongestants to take while breastfeeding? To get answers...

Hair Dye and Breastfeeding

Can you dye your hair while breastfeeding your baby? Find out if there is any harmful correlation between hair dye and breastfeeding in this article.

Thawing Breast Milk

Frozen breast milk must be thawed properly, before feeding your baby with it. Here are some tips about how to thaw breast milk in the proper manner.

Drinking Coffee While Breastfeeding

Is drinking coffee while breastfeeding bad? This is a common question among nursing mothers as they are concerned about its effect on their little baby's health. Read this article to understand the effects of drinking coffee during...

Cabbage Leaves for Engorgement

Cabbage leaves for engorgement is an age-old remedy suggested to women who want to reduce the swelling of the breasts. Read more about this home remedy to get an idea if it actually works.

Breast Milk Donation

Breast milk donation banks have existed since the 1980s. Today they are used for providing lifesaving mother's milk to newborn babies, who are in desperate need....

Breastfeeding Vs. Bottle Feeding

This article compares breastfeeding vs. bottle feeding and reveals the facts regarding advantages and disadvantages of breastfeeding and bottle feeding. Read ahead to know what care should be taken while breastfeeding and bottle...

Hiccups After Breastfeeding

Hiccups after breastfeeding is a common occurrence, and part of a baby's normal growth. The following article will help explain why a baby gets hiccups after breastfeeding, and lay your worries to rest.

Is Fenugreek Safe While Breastfeeding?

If the question, 'is fenugreek safe while breastfeeding' is lurking in your mind, then leaf through the following article which tries to provide an answer to the question. Read on to know the nutrition facts of fenugreek...

Irregular Periods While Breastfeeding

Are you one of those women who're experiencing irregular periods at the time of breastfeeding your baby? Perhaps, the following information could clear all your doubts over whether or not is it normal to have irregular periods when...

Period after Breastfeeding

It is very common for your period to be delayed by several weeks, or even months while you are breastfeeding your baby. Know more about when and what to expect on your first period after breastfeeding, in this article.

Hair Loss while Breastfeeding

Are you losing clumps of hair post your delivery? Well, you might have blamed breastfeeding for it. Here are a few facts about hair loss while breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding Problems and Solutions

If you are a nursing mother and have never experienced any breastfeeding problems, you are the chosen, lucky one. Women tend to develop an aversion to breastfeeding due to certain problems. However, being aversive to the idea is...

How to Dry Up Breast Milk Fast

The following article will take you through some of the ways by which you can dry up breast milk fast with the least amount of pain and discomfort. It features some of the simplest and most effective methods that can be brought...

Safe Cold Medicine While Breastfeeding

Administering safe cold medicine while breastfeeding is imperative, as a specific amount of the ingested medicine is passed to the baby via the mother's milk. Continue reading this article to learn about the best or low risk cold...

Low Breast milk Supply

It is normal for mothers to worry about their milk supply, when they start breast feeding. All mothers are capable of producing enough milk for their babies, however, there are some reasons due to which the milk supply may reduce....

Dieting While Breastfeeding

Is going on a diet while one is breastfeeding harmful for the baby in any way? And if it is, then what are the guidelines that one should follow? Read the following article for more information on this topic.

How to Stop Breastfeeding Without Pain

Often, mothers face a certain amount of discomfort during the process of weaning. The following Buzzle article will help you understand how to reduce the intensity of the pain.

Advantages of Breastfeeding

Advantages of breastfeeding outweigh its disadvantages. Along with creating a close bonding between the mother and the baby, breastfeeding helps strengthen the immune system of the baby. Leaf through this article to know...

Breastfeeding and Weight Loss

Women assume that it's difficult to lose weight when nursing. However, it's not that they eat too much, more often they eat insufficient calories. Truth is, while feeding the baby, consuming more calories facilitates the required...

How to Pump Breast Milk

Go through the article to learn how to express breast milk for situations when you are not around your baby.

How to Stop Breastfeeding

Young mothers need to stop breastfeeding at some point of time for their as well as their child's benefits. However, this process is neither easy for the baby nor for the mother. If you are suffering from a similar dilemma, this...

Foods to Avoid While Breastfeeding

There are certain foods and beverages a mother should avoid inducing while breastfeeding. Read the Buzzle article to find out the most common foods that can cause discomfort to infants, while being breastfed.

Induce Lactation

If you had your child through surrogacy, you are probably looking to find an answer to the question how to induce lactation. The other option is that your baby was born prematurely hence, you are trying to find out about induced...

Mastitis Treatment

Mastitis is inflammation of the breast tissue, which may cause swelling, tenderness, pain, and discomfort. Go through this article for a brief overview about the treatment for this condition.

How to Increase Breast Milk Supply

Being able to provide adequate amount of breast milk is the concern of every lactating mother. Here are some suggestions on how to increase the supply of breast milk.

Mastitis Symptoms

Symptoms associated with mastitis occur when breast tissues swell and cause pain, mostly during breastfeeding. Here's how to deal with this problem.

Breastfeeding Tips and Tricks

Breastfeeding is a wonderful experience for every mother as it fosters optimal health for herself, and more importantly her baby. This article provides some tips and tricks for it, which include holding the baby in a convenient...

Clogged Milk Duct Treatment

Clogged milk ducts, or plugged milk ducts, occur when the flow of milk is restricted, or there is a delay in the removal of milk from the breast resulting in poor drainage of the breast. This may be a recurring problem for many...

Drying Up Breast Milk

Sometimes, a mother has to wean her child from breast milk for various reasons. Drying up the breast milk, hence, becomes important.

Fenugreek for Lactation

Fenugreek is a medicinal herb, which has been used topically to treat inflammation, boils, wounds, eczema, etc. It has a number of uses and among it, its use for lactation, is one of the most common. The following article provides...

Breastfeeding and Alcohol Consumption

For routine alcohol consumers, having a child translates into a million lifestyle changes. There are many pros and cons of breastfeeding and alcohol consumption. This article will help a woman know how the two things are related...

Diet While You're Breastfeeding

A breastfeeding mother requires large quantities of calories to produce milk for her baby. Though calories come from fat stored during pregnancy, they aren't enough. The breast milk develops the baby and builds its immune system...

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